Upgrade Economy

Please review our other links on the economy...

We apologize for not wanting to give out every detail of the "Upgrade Economy", but we can say that it is more than "A Concept of a Plan". Abraham Lincoln said "always leave them wanting more".

Let us start the Upgrade Economy with something basic.  Countries expand the money supply as needed and always have.  In recent years, because of COVID and the Crisis of 2008, we had multiple instances of Quantitative Easing (QE).  We had QE1, QE2, and they teased about QE to Infinity.   Next they offered Quantitative Tightening (QT) to try to undo the real or potential trouble from QE. You can be the judge of that whole process...

Part 1 of what we would like to see is that expansion of the money supply should used to upgrade infrastructure, rather than somehow being used to boost the stock market or raise housing costs by adding to the housing price bubble.

About housing.  At some point, a house was a place where people lived and they did not expect its price to go up much.  Then a house became a place where people lived and it looked like it might be a good investment.  Then a house became just an investment and it did not even matter if someone lived in it.  A person or a corporation might own tens of thousands of houses and manage to raise the rents until rent takes a painful amount of the "pie" or total income of the tenants.  The solution is to lower the property taxes for single home ownership and raise the property taxes incrementally or exponentially for people or corporations who own more than 3 homes.   "But wait", people have said, "We want house prices to be as high as possible and never go down, because people are counting on that for their retirement. Please see the link for the "Shortage Economy".

About "Work from Home".  Working from home is the way of the future.   YouTube can best present the benefits of working from home.  For fun, we would just like to add a comment about traffic.  As you know, stopped in traffic, sometimes for hours every day going to and from work is very painful and wasteful.  The science fiction story, "Chronopolis" talks about how completely-stopped traffic in crowded cities was improved by assigning workers a color code so they would drive to and from work according to the time assigned to their color code.

About The National Debt..  Historically, when countries have a debt crisis. they either print their way out of it, not pay (repudiate) or put the debt on hold.   Poland (see Lech Walesa) put their national debt on hold, successfully, it appears.

Directed Liquidity is where central banks and the government decide where money needs to be placed.  We have our own ideas on the use of Directed Liquidity.

Groucho Marx famously said: "We don't see Hard Times coming... We see Soft Times leaving.." We don't want to be doom and gloom people, but it is valuable to have situational awareness.   One of the old-time sayings is "One Person's Hardship is another person's Harvest".   There are people (Warren Buffett now in major cash position) who are prepared to buy the bargains resulting from disasters of any kind.

Thankfully, the Federal Reserve supposedly tries to create a Soft Landing to ease the suffering from the bursting of asset bubbles.


We have thought about having "The Out of Whack Campaign" or the "Two Worlds Campaign" to address other issues, including how to Upgrade the non-profit world to compete with the for-profit, for-suffering world. "Out of Whack" means out of balance. Can we put the "whack" back in the system? &nbp;