Worst Economy?

Obviously, the worst economy is when war has reduced your cities to rubble and everyone is starving.  War makes people lost their integrity and they will do things they would not ordinarily do. 

We could talk about economics all day and argue about the conclusions.  See One Handed Economist

One economic leadership story from history is about Governor Nehemiah. Some day we will make a video because it is hard to find the whole story on the internet :)

Without getting too biblical for some, there are some major leadership and economic lessons in the Story of Nehemiah.

If you were truly in charge, what economic reforms would you make?Robert Reich's ?   Bernie Sanders ?  

Many words in English have gained a bad reputation.
The word "Radical" means "getting to the root of the problem, which is a good thing.
When YOU put on your Radical Left or Radical Right thinking cap, what do you suggest for all the challenges? :)