Robot Alley

Imagine that underneath every sidewalk was a hallway that:

  • allows automated delivery of goods to homes and businesses
  • provides freedom of mobility for people who do not drive

This is a multi-level transportation and utility structure to place under sidewalks, alleys, or streets.
This structure is called Robot Alley.

Door-to-door automated delivery should cause great changes in:

  • what is sold.  Shelf-space at a store no longer limits what we can buy locally who does the selling. Anyone can offer goods on the internet and ship them immediately through the City Transport
  • cost of delivery.  Goods are delivered using electrically-powered vehicles and with only the labor cost of loading and processing the order cost of storage. Goods can be stored in easily-retrieved storage containers, with essentially unlimited storage and organization.
  • cost to repair.  Central repair locations can more easily receive and return goods.
  • best disposal.  Central disposal lets you send things for the best possible disposal.

The Sidewalk Level allows for autonomous vehicles to deliver goods and people at ground level.

Under the sidewalk, the Transport Level lets vehicles deliver goods and people no matter what the weather or traffic. The Transport Level is one-way to maximize throughput.

The lowest level contains utilities such as:

  • main city water (highest quality)
  • fire suppression or gardening water (lower quality)
  • main electrical supply
  • backup electrical supply (local generators, higher cost)
  • Water or fluid for Thermal Loop that circulates hot and cold fluids for heating and cooling. This central heating and cooling concept has been used for many years world-wide.

Delivery endpoints could be as small as a dumbwaiter-type system:

Or the end-point of the delivery might be into a room or warehouse.

The City Transport System controls all aspects of package and box delivery...