Prepper President
A "Prepper" is someone who prepares for trouble of all kinds. Preppers gather skills and supplies to avoid suffering...
A Prepper President is a leader who makes sure that warehouses are full of disaster supplies.
A Prepper President needs to be a Scout, a Marine, and a Caregiver.
- Scout Motto: Semper Paratus "Always Prepared"
- Marine Motto: Semper Fideles "Always Faithful"
- Caregiver Motto: Semper Genus "Always Kind"
“There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver.” ― Rosalyn Carter
“Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.” ― Margaret Mead, anthropologist
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Describing all the needed features of a Prepper President will take some effort...
Can you think of leaders who are the opposite of a Prepper President?
FEMA rules say that after a disaster, they will pay for restoration, but not pay to upgrade. So for example, after the tremendous damage to Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria (where the President of the USA passed out rolls of paper towels), FEMA paid much more to restore the old power systems than it would cost to upgrade it.
We would like to see FEMA changed to do "Upgrades" instead of "Restores" and more advance preparation.
Experience Stories
I visited Ananda in about 1980. When anyone entered the Ananda property for the first time, they were given the fire prevention lecture. They said that everything burned to the ground in 1976. After that fire, they rebuilt with fire-proof structures and added fire hoses to deal with any future fire. And they made sure that everyone had at least a little fire awareness training and more. They said they never wanted to go through that again! -- First Upgradian
When I see disaster scenes in the media, I wonder who was in charge of preventing that mess. The answer is usually "No One". And people act like they were not warned countless times or never heard about pandemics, fires, floods, famine, war, ice storms, and so on...
Situational Awareness means being aware of what is going on around you and being prepared to respond. One example of no situational awareness could be when you are in charge of an area known for Santa Anna winds that has had no rain for months and is known for frequent fires. Are you prepared? See LA Build Back Better
Another issue for situational awareness is when your local stores (especially hardware and home improvement) contains almost nothing made in your country. And almost nothing you buy is repairable.